IEEE Future Networks World Forum
15–17 October 2024 // Dubai, UAE

The 1st Annual IEEE Communications Society Demonstration Conference

News and Announcements

The submission deadline for Proposals has been extended to 11 August. IEEE FNWF’24 will host a series of sessions featuring topics relevant to the Future Networks community on the latest research, engineering, standards, and business issues. These sessions should provide a venue to present and discuss the state-of-the-art research in both academia and industry on special, novel, challenging, and emerging topics.  Proposals types include 


Located in Dubai, UAE, IEEE FNWF’24 seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate future network technologies and applications for the benefit of society. Workshops, tutorials, industry forums, demonstration proposals, and original, innovative, and high-quality papers on the technical topics of Future Networks are solicited. The submission deadline for Technical Track and Symposium Papers has been extended to 15 August, 2024.


Welcome to IEEE FNWF 2024, Dubai, UAE

The theme for this global 5G and Beyond event will be focused on the academic and industry work that entails envisioning a highly sophisticated and interconnected digital ecosystem that transcends the capabilities of current networks. It involves picturing a landscape where the Internet seamlessly integrates with cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things. In this futuristic network, data transmission is not only faster and more reliable but also intelligently adaptive, anticipating user needs and optimizing performance in real-time. Privacy and security mechanisms are robust, ensuring the protection of sensitive information in an era of increasing digital threats. The Network of the Future is envisioned as a dynamic, self-learning entity that continuously evolves to meet the ever-growing demands of a hyper-connected world, fostering innovation, collaboration, and efficiency across various domains of human endeavor. As we imagine this network, we strive to build a foundation that not only supports the evolving technological landscape but also prioritizes ethical considerations, inclusivity, and sustainability for a more responsible digital future.

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